How to develop your own website?


In your day-to-day life, You may have seen and used many websites that play a major role in your entire life. In that regard, the people who have the ability to host or create a website, earn generally high incomes. Even if you take, Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk, These guys were web developers in their childhood. Being a teenager, you may have developed a desire to become associated with web development or web hosting, but don't know how to do it??? Don't worry, this post provides a rough sketch of developing your own website and earning money through it.

How to develop my own website?

1) Define the purpose of your website

Before creating a website, you should be able to define what kind of website is yours and what type of customers you are expecting to visit your website, is it an interactive website or a knowledge-sharing website, how are you going to interact with your users, is it a free website or users have to pay a certain amount of dollars per month or per week or per year, and what are the marketing strategies that you are going to use to make your website famous?

Even though many teenagers create a website, only a few of them succeed in the process of making a website. Because, those guys [ who succeed ] have a strong set of goals, a strong set of users, as well as the best marketing strategy to attract the audience to use your website or make your audience subscribe or pay a certain amount of dollars for you.

2) Learn the basics of HTML, CSS, JS

When it comes to web development, HTML, CSS, and JS are the key languages in which every web developer must have good knowledge to develop their own website. HTML [Hyper Text Markup Language] defines the basic properties, structures, and functions of a website, CSS [Cascading Style Sheet], styles the HTML sheet and makes it more and more attractive, JS [JavaScript] defines some internal logical & arithmetical functions of a website

After reading this, you may have developed a question where can I learn these languages. The answer is simple. There are so many webpages, and tutorials present on the internet from which you can gain a lot of knowledge to teach yourself HTML, CSS & JS. For example, 

The most common mistake that everyone who fails make is that they just memorize what is written in the web tutorials. But actually, that is not a fact. YOU must try everything in a practical manner. so that you will forget nothing and can learn a lot of new things through the trial and error method.

3) Setup the environment

After you have started learning HTML, CSS & JS, what you need to you is just try it out in an environment. So for that purpose, you can simply use NOTEPAD or any other text editor. 
Let's follow through with an example

1. First write your code in a plain notepad file

2. Then click File > Save As

3. It's time to select the file location, and file name, and don't forget to select all files

4. Now add ".html" to your file name as shown in the below figure

5. Your file will be saved in the location you selected. So go to the location of your file and find it. Now open it with any browser that you have on your pc.

6. Now you can view your webpage in the browser selected by you

That's all now you too are a web developer. But there is some other stuff to do too.

4) Focus on Server-side Scripting

After you have perfected client-side scripting with web development languages like JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, Now it's time to focus on server-side scripting. Because when it comes to interactive webpages or storing details of users like email, password, username, DOB, etc... you need to focus on server-side scripting with languages like PHP and SQL.

Let's follow through with an example

1. Goto the following link and download appserv on your pc

2. Write your PHP code and save it on the location [C://Appserv/www/ ]where you have installed your apache webserver

3. Now open a web browser of your desire and type localhost/filename.php and you may have seen your code running from a server-side.

If you get the output of what you have written, then you are successful.

5) It's time to publish your site

After you have done everything, now you have to publish your website in order to make the website accessible to your users. For that purpose, what you can do is just purchase a server. Most probably people, purchase  WordPress for high-bandwidth websites or
But as you are a beginner, just start by using a free and secured server, so that your site will be available 24/7 hours of time and be secured from security hackers.

Don't be lazy to protect your site from hackers. Because, today the number of hackers, and hacking or other cyber crimes are increasing with the growth of technology. So as a web developer, it's your duty to protect your site from hackers and other kinds of cyber crimes and provide supreme and high-quality content to your users.

6) Don't forget to maintain your website

After the above processes, most web developers fail in maintaining their websites. But don't make such a mistake. Since you are a web developer, what you have to do is just allocate some time to maintain and keep updating your website. Because everyone likes anything that keeps updating with occasions.

7) Earn money

Now, it's time to make some dollars and put them into your pocket. For that purpose you have to do is just create your charity account in, then ask your users to subscribe to the charity box or make two versions of your website such as classical and premium and make money from premium users. Your earnings will be increasing with the number of uses who visit your website. Web developers can earn up to 6000$ per month because of high-quality content. My tip is 'Don't focus on money. Just focus on publishing high-quality content, then money will start flowing to your website automatically.'

    Now you may have got an idea of developing and publishing a website in order to make money from it and become rich. In 2023, and many years coming after that, web development will be an emerging field and all web developers will be richer and richer as technology grows. Start learning HTML, CSS, JS, PHP & SQL today, set a schedule to be followed every day, and make web development a habit. If you procrastinate today, then there is someone to do the stuff that you are going to do, because 2023 is a heavily competitive year, since almost everyone is reforming themselves with their experience gained from previous years of failures. 

    Never forget that failures are the ladders that help you and everyone to climb to the tree of success. When you start developing your own webpage, you may find it difficult to maintain it, or you may face some security issues, or you will not be earning the money that you expected or you may run your webpage at the loss for a few years. But never forget that consistency is the bridge that separates losers and winners in this modern tech world. So never lose your consistency and provide high-quality content to your users to make money and become rich.

Never Ever Give up


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